Guide Star Finder

This form enable search some catalogues finalized to locate guide stars for adaptive optics applications.
Warning: the list of sources has a STRICT format: Source_name HH:MM:SS DD:MM:SS
The source names can be up to 12 characters long and can contain only
alphanumeric characters and underscore. NO spaces, '\+-.,: ecc.

The coordinates must contain all digits and separators (HH:MM:SS [-]DD:MM:SS).

Multiple Entries Query Form
Limiting Magnitude Max Distance arcsec
J2000 B1950
Selection Criteria
Nearest Brightest Weighted
List of sources

Form for single query

We use the US Naval Observatory USNO-SA2.0 catalog
For catalogue acces we use Doug Mink's fine scat program.
Unless explicitly specified, we use R-band magnitudes.
For multiple queries the format is very strict
The "selection criteria" option changes the star selection strategy:
  • Nearest gives the nearest star only
  • Brightest gives the brightest star
  • Weighted gives the star with the highest value of a score proportional to the inverse of the distance and to the magnitude (nearer and brighter => better).

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